Saturday, June 25, 2011

Last few days....

I can't believe that my time in Italy is coming to an end! Thankfully we had the opportunity to have a bit of a party before everyone parted ways. I think that the Festa was the perfect way to end the program not only allowing us to celebrate with our families but also getting a chance to meet some more of the families that may not have been able to come to pizza and gelato. The Villa Delfini was speculator and I was so happy that the whole family could attend and meet all of my friends. I can't believe the amount of hospitality that this group of people had for me throughout my stay made the experience the best I could imagine. The effort that they put into making sure I felt like a part of the family was something I am so grateful for. I think that living with the host family was one of the only ways that studying abroad can be the most enriching and beneficial and I am so thankful for the opportunity to do so. I have learned a lot about not only about Italian culture and traditions but about myself and most of that is due to the Po Family. I am forever in debt to them.

I also was lucky enough to have opportunity to introduce my host family to my real family. We met to go out for dinner and even though my family does not speak a word of Italian, everyone got along famously. My parents and sisters from home having the opportunity to interact with the Po family really helped them to understand and hear about what I had been going through for the past few weeks. After dinner however it was time to go our separate ways. I can't wait to go back and see my host family as soon as possible, I miss them already.

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